Category Archives: John 15

Stay Connected to Jesus

5th Sunday of Easter

Stay Connected to Jesus

Text:  John 15:1-8

I was gathering my thoughts.  I had a pretty good idea of what I was going to say today in the sermon.  That changed quickly.

On Thursday Mrs. Sandy stopped by my office and shared the sad news that her sister had passed away.  Among other things, we talked about how important of a reminder it is to everyone that we need to Stay Connected to Jesus because our time here is limitedThat was hard enough for her.  But then on Friday Mrs. Sandy got a phone call at the campsite for the CTK Camp Out.  It was not good news.  Sandy’s 27-year-old daughter had also died that afternoon.

I don’t think there could be words with any better timing than what the Lord planned for us to hear this morning.  Jesus said, I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  Apart from Jesus we can do nothing, we have nothing, we get nothing, we are nothing.   Read the rest of this entry